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Indigenous Development Program

The leaders of i24s, reflected on the lessons learned from their Indigenous ancestors and their sense of community, and established the i24s Indigenous Development Program (Program).

The Program is designed to support disadvantaged and/or marginalised youth, by charting a course of support, learning, development and employment.

We engage youth via a multi-faceted approach which inspires self-motivation and job readiness. We achieve this through the implementation of conventional and contemporary education, training and wellbeing initiatives, that improve self-esteem and proactivity. Program participants learn skills relating to fitness for work, workplace health and safety, administration and/or digital marketing, among others.

Tangible, enduring, positive change begins with empathy and employment.

Key Program Deliverables

  • Upskilling youth via workplace training and employment opportunities, including securing traineeships and/or cadetships, at i24s or within a client’s company.

  • Providing work and life mentoring, including providing 24/7 support when/if required.

  • Deploying cultural heritage awareness training.

  • Undertaking literacy and numeracy assessments.

  • Leveraging champions and/or buddies to coach or serve as role models to other youth.

  • Recognising and rewarding youth at regular milestones, including six-month and 12-month employment service anniversaries or upon completion of traineeships and/or cadetships.

  • Providing support for homeless youth to access shelter, healthcare and other essential services.

  • Providing Aboriginal youth with ‘Return to Country’ support.

  • Engaging support networks for youth, which could include fostering relationships with family, friends and others.

  • Encouraging Program participants to grow and confidently ‘pay forward’ their experience via mentoring other youth.

  • i24s seeks approval from Program participants prior to publishing case studies that share success stories and experiences.

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